“I have confidence that all of my bills are being paid.

You’re On Your Way!

Qbix Nonprofit Accounting Solutions

Here’s a quick overview of our initial three meetings/calls: 


The Introductory Call

We shared a little about Qbix Accounting Solutions and gave you a high-level overview of how we’ll handle your nonprofit accounting.


The Discovery Call

Next, we performed a Needs Assessment. We also dove deeper into your nonprofit accounting processes.


The Proposal Call

Finally, we prepared a proposal of Qbix’s nonprofit accounting solutions. We customized it especially for your organization.

If you haven't already completed the above:

Moving Forward With Qbix’s Accounting Solutions

Once you have made the decision to proceed, we will break down

the onboarding process for nonprofit accounting into three steps:

accounting solutions

Step 1 – Organization        

In this step, we will address any existing bookkeeping issues that may require attention for your nonprofit. Your records may be in tip-top shape, but we generally find that a small amount of cleanup and organization of your files is needed prior to the onboarding process. 

Step 2 – Preparation

During this process, we will be preparing your existing system for the implementation of items agreed upon in the Statement of Work.

The timeline for this step varies depending on the complexity of your organization and financial situation. It could take as little as a few days or up to several weeks to complete.

nonprofit accounting solutions
nonprofit accounting processes

Step 3 – Implementation

At this stage, we will begin the full implementation of tasks listed in the Statement of Work. Additionally, we will provide training to your employees on any new nonprofit accounting procedures that may be implemented, such as bill payment, expense reporting, and more.

Ongoing Nonprofit Accounting Solutions and Services

We are dedicated to providing ongoing coaching and guidance to you and your staff, focusing on real scenarios tailored to your organization. This ensures that your team is empowered, well-informed, and fully prepared to excel in any situation.

Let Us Prepare Your Form 990

Save time, money, and stress. Let us prepare your Form 990. Schedule a consultation today.